发布时间: 2020-05-04 14:52:19 浏览: 11172
Notice of April US Non-farm Payrolls (NFP)
歡迎來到UPWAY金榮,香港時間2020年05月08日(星期五)20:30分(GMT+8),美國將公布4月季調後非農就業人口變動數據,前值-70.1 (萬)、預測值-2200(萬);同時還將公佈4月失業率,市場預計將從上月的4.4%大幅增長至16%,為二戰後最高紀錄,上一個高點為1982年11月創下的10.8%。而在香港時間05月06日(星期三)20:15分(GMT+8)將公布美國4月ADP就業人數,前值-2.7 (萬)、預測值-2100(萬)。
Greetings from UPWAY 金榮 !
US April quarterly changes in non-farm payrolls (NFP) will be officially released in 8th of May, 2020 at 8:30PM Hongkong time. The prior value is -7.01 (hundred thousand) and the predicted value is -220 (hundred thousand). In the meanwhile, April unemployment rate will be released as well. It is expected to increase significantly from 4.4% last month to 16%, the highest post-World War II record, and the last high was 10.8% set in November 1982. The April ADP National Employment will be released in 6th of May,2020 at 8:15PM Hongkong time. The prior value is -27(thousand) and the predicted value is -210(hundred thousand).
The data released will have a significant impact on the price of gold and silver, please strictly control the position, set the stop loss and take profit in order to reduce the risk, and seize the opportunity rationally.
Company will adopt a floating method to adjust the spread fee according to the actual market conditions, like NFP, because it is affected by the volatility and liquidity of the trading market , when the market fluctuates or the market is not sufficiently liquid (usually 30 minutes before the data released to 15 minutes after the the data released).
Trading Spread Arrangement during NFP released
Minimum distance for pending order :
● 倫敦金:可能調整爲必須遠離市價最少1500點
Spot Gold (XAU/USD) : may be adjusted to be at least 1500 points away from the market price.
● 倫敦銀:可能調整爲必須遠離市價最少2000點
Spot Silver(XAG/USD):may be adjusted to be at least 2000 points away from the market price.
Spreads return adjustments :
● 倫敦金:將可能擴大至1美元,或甚至更高水平
Spot Gold (XAU/USD): Will likely rise to USD1, or even higher.
● 倫敦銀:將可能擴大至0.1美元,或甚至更高水平
Spot Silver(XAG/USD):Will likely rise to USD1, or even higher.
Gentle reminders:
If the market fluctuates greatly, platform will adopts market price transaction mode and those holdings position will be valued based on the last readily available market price. More information: https://www.jrjr.com/pageshow/guadan/ .
Those market volatility and liquidity factors that occurred during closing hours on weekends or public holidays may cause the market suffer from a great fluctuation on the next trading day. Please be aware of the risks of those holding position transactions and maintain a sufficient margin in your trading account. Your position may be auto liquidation due to insufficient margin in your account.
Those pending orders will be retained even market is closed. More information: https://www.jrjr.com/price/html/show_35816.html .
Please do not hesitate to contact our 24 hour online customer service any further assistance.