发布时间: 2020-06-30 10:48:18 浏览: 11114
Notice of the Independence Day (US)
Greeting from Upway金榮! In view of the US Independence Day on Saturday, 4th, July, 2020, U.S. time, the NYSE is closed. Upway金榮 London gold / silver trading platform service hours will be adjusted as follows:(Hongkong Time)
交易時間:2020年 7月3日(星期五)早上06:00 至 7月4日(星期六)淩晨00:44爲止;
Trading Hour: 6 am on 3rd,July,2020 (Friday)to 00:44am on 4th,July, 2020(Saturday);
休市時間:2020年 7月4日(星期六)淩晨00:45 至 7月6日(星期一)早上05:59爲止;
Closing Time: 00:45am on 4th,July, 2020 (Saturday) to 05:59 am on 6th,July,2020 (Monday)
開市時間:2020年 7月6日(星期一)早上06:00 開始恢複正常交易
Opening Time: From 6 am on 6th, July,2020 (Monday)
Gentle reminders:
1. Those market volatility and liquidity factors that occurred during closing hours on weekends or public holidays may cause the market suffer from a great fluctuation on the next trading day. Please be aware of the risks of those holding position transactions and maintain a sufficient margin in your trading account. Your position may be auto liquidation due to insufficient margin in your account.
2. Those pending orders will be retained even market is closed. More information: https://www.jrjr.com/price/html/show_35816.html .
Please do not hesitate to contact our 24-hour online customer service if any further assistance.