发布时间: 2020-07-01 15:35:46 浏览: 13022
Adjustment of spread promotion in London gold/silver (XAU/XAG)
Greeting from UPWAY金荣!
Due to the recent disruption of regional economic restart plan, and the increase of risk aversion in financial markets, a significantly surge in gold and silver demand in the safe-haven assets market. Following the development of the international situation, the original spread promotion of London gold/silver (XAU/XAG) is end as scheduled on June 30, 2020. After the market opening on July 1, 2020, the new spread promotion will be adjusted as following :
高端账户:伦敦金/银的点差优惠 25美元/手 调整为:点差优惠24美元/手
Premium Account: Preferential spread of XAU/XAG is adjusted from $25/lot to $24/lot.
普通账户:伦敦金/银的点差优惠 23美元/手 调整为:点差优惠22美元/手
Regular Account: Preferential spread of XAU/XAG is adjusted from $23/lot to $22/lot.
Promotion Time: From July 1st,2020.
Please do not hesitate to contact our 24-hour online customer service if any further assistance.