发布时间: 2020-03-02 11:21:27 浏览: 10546
欢迎来到金荣中国,北京时间2020年03月06日(星期五)21:30分,美国將公佈2月季调后非农就业人口变动数据,前值22.5 (万)、预测值19.5(万);而在北京时间03月04日(星期三)21:15分將公佈美国2月ADP就业人数,前值29.1(万)、预测值17.0(万)。
Greetings from UPWAY China Bullion Limited! US February change in Non-Farm Payroll employment will be officially released on 6th of March, 2020 at 9:30PM (21:30) Beijing time. Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 225,000 in January and 195,000 estimated in February.
The news has a large impact on the price of XAU/USD and XAG/USD. Please strictly control your positions. In order to reduce risks and seize the opportunities rationally, please set Stop Loss and Take Profit for orders.
Due to the effects of market volatility and liquidity factors, market may suffer from a great fluctuation, usually 30 minutes before or 15 minutes after those significant data (e.g. non-farm data) and news released. UPWAY China Bullion Limited may adjust the distance for pending order, margin and margin ratio based on the current market condition.
US Non-Farm Payrolls adjustments :
Minimum distance for pending order :
● 伦敦金:可能调整为必须远离市价最少1500点
London gold : At least 1500 points
● 伦敦银:可能调整为必须远离市价最少2000点
London silver : At least 2000 points
Spreads return adjustments :
● 伦敦金:將可能扩大至1美元,或甚至更高水准
London gold : Will likely rise to USD1, or even higher
● 伦敦银:將可能扩大至0.1美元,或甚至更高水准
London silver : Will likely rise to USD0.1, or even higher
Gentle reminders:
If the market fluctuates greatly, platform will adopts market price transaction mode and those holdings position will be valued based on the last readily available market price. Click https://www.jrjr.com/pageshow/guadan/ for more information.
Those market volatility and liquidity factors that occurred during closing hours on weekends or public holidays may cause the market suffer from a great fluctuation on the next trading day. Please be aware of the risks of those holding position transactions and maintain a sufficient margin in your trading account. Your position may be auto liquidated due to insufficient margin in your account.
Those pending orders will be retain even market is closed. Click https://www.jrjr.com/price/html/show_35816.html for more information.
Please do not hesitate to contact our 24 hour online customer service department for any further assistance.